
GameBCN focuses on four main pillars: talent growth, business development, production training, and networking events. Our result is a publisher agreement ratio over 50%.

At a glance

The program is divided into two modules: production and business, each lasting three months. At the beginning of the program, production milestones are agreed on with each team. Only teams who achieve their production goals will access the business incubation module and full grant funding.


This module’s goal is to make teams realize the importance of implementing agile methodologies in order to improve project management, planning and performance.


Focus on marketing and business. Its goal is to instill business mentality in teams, teaching them how to market their games, how to pitch and how to incorporate.

What it is like

The incubation program is not full-time, so you can keep working on your project.
Studios can expect to dedicate an average of 4-6 hours per week to GameBCN training and production follow-up, throughout 6 months, starting in mid-February and ending around September. 

How you will learn

Overall, you will receive 60 hours of training and 36 hours of mentoring from active professionals in the video game industry. Every week you will have a follow-up meeting to check your team’s progress.

What you can get

Grant + Demo Day + Help finding publishers

Where it happens

The incubation program is 100% online. It’s up to you if you want to be based in our Palo Alto office in Barcelona or if you want to attend it remotely.

GameBCN is well connected with industry partners and the Catalan government. We will offer teams opportunities as they arise from our partners. Grant funding may assist in relocation efforts as well but teams are not required to relocate for GameBCN.

Our model

GameBCN is a public and private funded program, so your team can attend at no cost.

Our promoters and partners make possible that there is no cost involved.

See how it works:


GameBCN starts mid-February. Our office is in Barcelona, and we are happy to support teams with relocation aid, but the program itself is 100% online. To enter the program, candidates may apply on our website when a call is opened


Once the call closes, a group of experts will review all applications. Experts will score applications based on originality, quality, market potential and development team. The best candidates (around 15) will be asked to pitch their game online in front of an experts panel. This panel will evaluate and select the next cohort at GameBCN.


The program is divided into two modules: production and business, each lasting three months. At the beginning of the program, production milestones are agreed on with each team. Only teams who achieve their production goals will access the business incubation module and full grant funding.


A group of experts reviews and scores applications based on originality, quality, market potential and development team. The best candidates (around 15) pitch their game online in front of an experts panel. This panel evaluated and selects the next cohort at GameBCN.


At the beginning of the program, production milestones are agreed on with each team. Only teams who achieve their production goals will access the business incubation module and full grant funding.

Are you ready? Apply now to GameBCN #9


60 hours


Weekly production followup

€3,000 grant

For best performing teams


36 hours

Demo day


find funds & publisher

For best performing teams


  • Teams must be active and working in a game.
  • Teams will be required to adopt agile production methodologies and achieve production goals.
  • At least one member of the team must attend GameBCN trainings and mentorings (if related to their platform) and fill out an evaluation form afterwards.
  • Teams must attend official GameBCN events,  such as Opening Day and Demo Day.
  • Teams are required to publish their vertical slice and trailer on  the GameBCN website  for three months after the Demo Day.
  • Teams must inform GameBCN of any investment, acquisition, partnership, publishing or personal hiring offer they receive. GameBCN Strategic Partners and promoters have the right to make a counteroffer to any team before any agreement with a third party is signed. We want to have the opportunity to invest in incubated teams for the next 5 years, with the option to invest either in the company’s shares or in the game.
  • Teams must add the GameBCN logo to their website during the program and leave the logo on the website as “accelerated by GameBCN” once the program is finished.
  • Teams must mention the incubation program on their social networks no less than twice during the program
  • Read our full Terms and Conditions


GameBCN starts mid-February exact dates are chosen once the cohort has been finalized. Our office is in Barcelona, and we are happy to support teams with relocation aid, but the program itself is 100% online.


GameBCN program is divided into two different modules: production and business, lasting three months each one and they will take place consecutively. The first module will focus on production and its goal is to make teams realise about the importance of implementing agile methodologies in order to improve project management, planning and performance. Second module will focus on marketing and business and its goal is to instill business mentality in teams, teaching them how to market their games, how to pitch and how to incorporate.

At the beginning of the program, production milestones are agreed with each team. Only teams achieving production goals will access the business incubation module.

External teams demonstrating extensive experience in production with a game in an advanced stage of development and identified market potential may be accepted to join the incubation program in its second module (marketing and business).

At the end of the incubation program (6 months) teams will pitch their games in front of our publishers and investors network.


GameBCN’s main goal is to strengthen the video games industry. We train incubated teams to improve their production pipeline (agile methodologies) and to maximise their business opportunities (marketing and business).


GameBCN is well connected with industry partners in the Catalan government and will offer teams opportunities as they arise from our partners. Grant funding may assist in relocation efforts as well but teams are not required to relocate for GameBCN.


Incubated teams relocating to Barcelona may receive a grant to help cover their expenses. It is paid at the end of the program and is subject to teams’ performance: only teams achieving the goals agreed with GameBCN at the start of the program will receive the whole grant. Payments will be made according to milestones achievement.


GameBCN doesn’t take any equity or royalties from incubated teams and they don’t have to pay anything. There is only one requirement: incubated teams must add GameBCN logo in their website and must mention us in their social media communications.


LinceWorks, Herobeat Studios, Hyper Three Studio, Appnormals Team and Altered Matter are a few success cases coming from GameBCN. Check out the GameBCN portfolio for a full list.


Yes, and GameBCN’s network of partners and collaborators is growing constantly. These publishers and investors are willing to receive our portofolio at the end of the program. GameBCN will also attend Gamescom and other industry events, where incubated teams’ games will be showcased.


Yes, you can always apply to the program again.


However, teams must agree on goals at the beginning of the program and commit to achieving them.


Get in touch with us by emailing or check our Discord channel for recent communications.


Once the call closes, a group of experts will review all applications. Experts will score applications based on originality, quality, market potential and development team. The best candidates (around 15) will be asked to pitch their game online in front of an experts panel. This panel will evaluate and select the next cohort at GameBCN. 

To keep in touch with the program, your potential cohort, and other industry contacts, join our discord channel.